Ch Rebkai Tale of Love for Winuwuk
CC's, 6RCC's


Brindle & White Bitch
Born 28th May 2007
Owned by Marion Ward-Davies, Julie Brown & Tim Hutchings
Bred by Rebecca Gibbons

Ch. Winuwuk Lust at First Sight Ch. Winuwuk Lust in the Dust Ch. Blueprint Beern Skittles at Walkon Jenroy Pop Back to Walkon
Aust. Grand Ch. Walkon Skittles
Ch. Roamaro Scotch Mist of Winuwuk Ch. Wrencliff Flying Scotchman of Winuwuk
Jenroy Popsicle For Belmont
Ch. Winuwuk Storybook Ch. Winuwuk Hot 'N' Bothered Ch. Winuwuk Lust in the Dust
Ch. Winuwuk Jubilation
Winuwuk Love Story Ch. Winuwuk Celebration
Winuwuk Love In The Mist
Rebkai Amber Ray of Sunshine Manic Spin Doctor Ch. Winuwuk Lust in the Dust Ch. Blueprint Beern Skittles at Walkon
Ch. Roamaro Scotch Mist of Winuwuk
Manic Street Life Manic Street Preacher
Sulez Whatever Will Be at Manic
Tiptoneion Rumba Queen Balistix Urban Hymns at Idleforde Ch. Klansted Out of the Mist
Idleforde Any Dream Will Do
Tiptoneion Annie Get Ya Gun Out Rujo Road Warrior
Pistachio Polly at Tiptoneion

When Rebecca mated her bitch to Max we all knew that the docking ban would be in force by the time the puppies were born and so they would need to be left with their tails on. We didn’t have any bitches due to be mated and yet we were keen to get an undocked Boxer as quickly as possible so that we got used to having them early on. As a result we were very pleased when Rebecca and John brought the puppies up to show us and it was a lovely litter. The Gibbons had already set their heart on a dog puppy and he was promising but we told them in no uncertain terms that the bitch was the pick of litter. No, they still wanted to keep the dog but they were keen for us to have the bitch if we wanted her. We certainly did! Dilys was coming to live at Winuwuk!

We loved this bitch from day one. When she hit the ring she quickly made her presence felt and had a great puppy career the highlight of which came at the Working Breeds of Wales when she became the first undocked Boxer to win a big green card when Jeff Luscott awarded her Best Puppy and the Reserve CC.

More Reserve CCs followed from Carol Schofield at the Essex, Martin Wyles at WELKS and Stuart Lockwood-Brown at Richmond and she was often in the final few for the CC, pressing hard. Judges have always appreciated her excellent balance, her lovely outline with excellent forehand, her beautiful neck and her short back. She also moves particularly well, really digging off her powerful hindquarters and with very good reach in front. She has a lovely head with beautiful expressive eyes.

It was only going to be a matter of time before CCs came her way and her breakthrough came on a great day for us at Midland Counties 2009 when Gill Davies gave her a first CC, doing the double with her father on the day. In March the following year, Jeff Luscott reaffirmed his opinion of her when he gave her the CC at Essex and Eastern Counties where referee Judy Alton also made her BIS. Her title came a month later at Birmingham National under Fearn Pynegar where she was also BOB and went Group 3 under Terry Nethercott. Making Dilys up into our 22nd UK Champion will always be an emotional memory for us since she was the last Champion made up under the ‘Ward-Davies, Brown & Hutchings’ banner since Marion died the following weekend. Marion knew we had made it with Dilys - we spoke about that show when we last visited her in hospital – and she was thrilled.

A few months after she was made up, we won another couple of CCs with Dilys – under Jan Baxter at SKC we were thrilled to do the double again with her and her dad, then at East of England Wendy Brooks put her through to the CC. In 2011 she picked up RCCS from Ann Wildman at East of England and Sandra Carter at the BBC. Her final CC was on home ground at the Cotswold under Kevin Young, where she was also BIS.


Show Year Judge
CC: Midland Counties 2009 Gill Davies
CC: Essex & Eastern Counties Boxer Club 2010 Jeff Luscott
CC: Birmingham National 2010 Fearn Pynegar
CC: SKC (May) 2010 Jan Baxter
CC: East of England 2010 Wendy Brooks
CC: Paignton 2010 Wendy Mitchell
CC: Cotswold Boxer Club 2011 Kevin Young
Group 3: Birmingham National 2010 Terry Nethercott